I opened the first door and I saw a crocodile and he had a smelly breath and a water pistol.
The second door had chomping dinosaurs with lasers coming out of his claws.
In the third door there was dragons raging up and throwing out fire from their mouth.
In the next door I could see an evil fairy with a smelly rubbish bin and was about to throw at me.
In the fifth door there was a giant that liked to eat little girls for breakfast lunch and dinner sometimes desert .
In the 6th door i saw a weird clown with a chainsword and a gun.
In the next door i saw a half lion and half eagle hunting for meat and little girls aaahhhhh.
In the 8th door a crowed full of really bad bugs and bad animals.
In the next door there was awful teacher .
In the 10th door there was man eating sharks looking for people.
In the 11th door there was T - rexes tearing up flesh from people.
In the last door I thought it was going to be bad but it was a whole world of lollies.