Thursday 30 April 2015

My Dinner for Main Stars

For dinner I made a Mexican dinner.

WE needed

  1. Tortillas 
  2. Cheese
  3. Tomato's
  4. Onion 
  5. Mince 
  6. Mexican spice 
  7.  Lettuce
  8. Mexican sauce 
Make this dinner and enjoy it!!!!


  1. Hi Lillie
    I like this blog post and the Tortillas must be yum. So how much main stars have you done this term? Do you like doing main stars?
    See you later

  2. Hi lily
    Those tortillas must of been very yum.How long did it take for you to make the tortillas?
    BYE :)

  3. Hello Lillie

    That sounds like a delicious tea What did your family think of it
    Did you enjoy cooking tea?
    by for now :)

