Tuesday 9 June 2015

Winter wonderland writing.

Winter wonderland writing.

I walked in damp washing moving on to thick powder then to sticks of bamboo. My eyes burnt from seeing the shiny moon color snow. My anchor foot sliped into the snow as if it was an anchor from the boat.The bamboo trees bent over like there was string pulling it towards me.

The feel on having icy snow under my feet getting poured into icing bowl for the recipe of snowflakes that gently tipped on my iceberged head. Then I walked into a tunnel directly in front of the bent trees then there was another lot of ice blocks right in front of me which are actually pine trees.

On the inside I felt like I was an ant in disguise and that wasn't a lovely thought to be thinking right at that moment with giraffes necks bending right over me and spying. The taste of the snowflakes that were whisked in a bowl fell in my mouth and swallowed it slowly to get the creamy taste. BUT that's where my imagination ended.


  1. Hi Lillie
    That is a really good story check out my blog to see my winter wonderland story and my Myst writing they are out of this world
    Bye for now

  2. Hi Lillie
    I like your writing and I want to do another piece like this but we have Speeches. I like the photo and your writing was really detailed too. What is your favorite thing about your writing
