You have a board game and you roll a dice to see what your goal is it might be to get 10 fun money 6 extra time money and 7 money.
You will have a group and you roll the dice you can go up and down you might get money taken off you or get more money. You need to chose wisely.
At PrEp I have learnt more about how to save how to spend some money. Also save some too I now know how to count up money but some times if I don't focus I will get mixed up. I have been learning to count money up at maths time. We are doing a trip to a place and we need to save and spend some money too . I hope at prep we don't get bank ruped so that is why we got to learn to count money and when we are adults we need to know how much we have in accounts so we can play around with some money but most of all we need to save for the things we need.
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